Peru, is the land of the Incas, high Andes mountains, Amazon rainforest and a lovely, tropical beach. A country of of great biodiversity and a rich cultural heritage, Peru is a great destination with many tourist attractions and things to do... Machu Picchu, the Lines Nazca, Manu, Cusco, Arequipa, Lima, Trujillo, Puno and Lake Titicaca.
Shop the prices of Tours

For a country where the dollar goes a long way, the prices of organized tours are pricey. The prices quoted are per person and generally do not include transportation. Tour packages are marked up and resold by many tour at various price points, so it is best to shop the tour before booking. The tour names are usually consistent between companies, so a seach on the Internet for the name should yield multiple options for booking it. The savings can be significant especially if you are booking for two or more people.
An alternative is to do it yourself. While this may seem daunting, some tours such as visits Machu Picchu, are fairly simple once you know what is involved and how to get the tickets. A typical 1 day tour to Machu Picchu starts at $350-$400, but the actual cost is about $200 including train ticket. See our page on Machu Picchu on how to do it on your own.
Getting Around
Peru is a big country, with limited infrastructure making air or train travel the only feasible option to many places.
Public buses are the usual mode of transport over long distances. They are cheap, frequent and relatively comfortable, at least on major routes. When traveling between towns, have your passport with you, as it will be needed at police checkpoints.
Armed robberies on night buses have ocurred, so travel on a day bus (or fly) if you have the option. Trucks often double as buses in remote areas. Local buses are slow, cheap and crowded; when you want to get off just yell out.
Taxis are plentiful and fares can be negotiated; there are no metered cabs. Agree on the fare in advance.Taxis from the airport are more expensive ranging from $20 upwards. Taxis to the airport from any point in the City, are however, much cheaper , about $ 8.00. Prices within Lima ranges $3.00-$8.00. Outside of Lima, fares are cheaper. In Cusco, for example, taxis charge S/2.00 (~.75 cents US) during the day and S/3.00 (~US$1.00) after 22:00 within the city. It is advisable to stick with official taxis especially during the nights. The cost is the same and they recognizable by the phone number on the roof.